Cutting to the chase
This week, the mayor remarked that " When politicians talk to each other, there are times when we have a hard time getting our point across. But when the pressure comes from the grassroots, maybe it will be enough for the Québec government to understand. I certainly hope so." But the mayor clearly needs to get fast action from the Québec government. "The longer this crisis drags on and takes on a life of its own, the greater the risk of negative impact on the mayor and on the job he's doing," Thibault observed.
"Je me souviens"
“To mark the thirtieth anniversary of this sad event in which three people were killed, a plaque should be installed on one of the walls of Parliament Building.” Richard Thibault The author was working at the National Assembly at the time of the May 8 shooting in 1984. For the past 20 years, he has headed a company that specializes in crisis management. On the morning of May 8,1984, I was light years away from imagining that I would be eye-witness to such a dramatic event in the history of Québec.
February's Business Leader of the Month RTCOMM Inc. celebrates its 20th anniversary!
Dare to launch a business, to make it grow and prosper for 20 years is no small feat! In the case of Richard Thibault, it's even more remarkable because these two decades have been dedicated to serving local enterprises, in both the private and public sector, helping his clients anticipate and manage the risks in their domain. A fair number of Québec companies owe this expert in crisis management a debt of gratitude.
Crisis management isn't just a question of communications
Just as an accountant isn't an actuary or a lawyer isn't necessarily a marriage counsellor, it doesn't mean that an expert in public relations is a crisis manager. It's true that communications play a role in crisis management, and a skilled communications expert can surely help an organization better communicate with its different audiences during a crisis. Better yet, a sound, ongoing public relations program helps build up reserves of sympathy capital that the organization can draw on when a crisis hits. But to reduce crisis management to a simple question of communications or public relations is a mistake that only compounds confusion.
How Quebec City managed its tax crisis
According to Richard Thibault, crisis management expert with RTCOMM, the mayor pulled it off brilliantly. "When you manage a crisis, there are three basic principles to respect: be proactive, be transparent and be concerned for the victims. I give Quebec City's mayor a10 out of 10," he said.
An opinion crisis
Saturday, the shooting that severely wounded Gabrielle Giffords, member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and injured some of her supporters gathered in front of a supermarket in this otherwise quiet Arizona town should make us stop and think about violence in politics and on our right to freedom of expression.
Seen from another angle
The number of participants and the line taken in the speeches during the Blue March will dictate whether this grassroots movement will fully or partially score their goal, or be totally off base. Richard Thibault, president of RTCOMM, a firm that specializes in crisis management, doesn't give the total number of participants too much importance. "This has an immediate impact on the event," he says. "But it doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of the population on the proposed amphitheatre. We know that a lot of people who are categorically in favour of the project and want the NHL to come back, but who will stay home. The views of these non-participants still carry weight."
The government misses the mark
"The public saw that the premier was in a bind, and by hustling out and flouting the proceedings of the Bastarache Commission that he himself created, he only confirmed this impression," believes Richard Thibault, who was cabinet director and press agent for a number of ministers in Robert Bourassa's cabinet. He considers that Jean Charest was ill advised to convene the press on Tuesday, choosing to react immediately to the devastating content of Marc Bellemare's testimony.
Crisis management, or the art of preparing for the worst
Your IT system crashes overnight, only a few days before a major contract is due. One of your company's senior managers is embroiled in a financial scandal. A leak to the media reveals that your flagship product is harmful to health. Don't worry, everything's under control… as long as you've planned ahead, according to Richard Thibault, crisis management expert and founder of a communications firm.